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FAS112 Lab
Fashion Fundamentals Lab

This course serves as a general introduction to the fashion industry and the study of fashion. The course outlines the factors, processes and considerations involved in taking fashion products from concept to consumer. In addition to the lecture, students must attend a 3 hour studio lab session, where students gain hands on experience in the conception and production of a fashion product.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Diamonique Clanton learning the basics on the serger.

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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This course introduces the student to techniques and skills in flat patternmaking. The student will learn how to create and manipulate a sloper set and become familiar with fitting garments on a full size dress form and the human body to produce creative and innovative designs. This course also teaches students a common language of correct terminology so they will be able to communicate accurately with patternmakers and designers within the fashion industry. Steps for producing a flat pattern from a flat sketch to completed pattern are practiced.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Molly Dallas creates a pattern for a special Admissions Department project

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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Draping I

This course introduces the student to the technique of draping: creating a flowing, three-dimensional garment by manipulating, molding, and shaping flat fabric on a full size three-dimensional dress form or a live model. The course will introduce the student to the dress form, draping tools and how to use them, draping terminology, use of body measurements in developing a pattern and the characteristics of fabrics in relationship to the curves of the body.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Nayalaijah Fournillier drapes a complicated pleated skirt for class.

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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Applied Design

Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of applied design as it relates to the fashion industry and stage costuming. A survey of the history of beading will be explored beginning with the Native American bead trade to the present manufacturing and artistic creation of beads. Students will learn techniques in Native American beading and contemporary bead appliqué.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Abigail Yanaway applies beaded lace to a gown.

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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FAS490 Senior Seminar in Fashion Design

This Senior Seminar Independent study fulfills a core requirement for the BA Degree in Costume Design. This class will run as a teacher facilitated independent study. The student is guided in the process of determining his or her own area of research and design implementation. The student is required to submit a project/research proposal which describes the intended end product, outlines their goals and objectives, methods of research, product development process and evaluation criteria. The student will display and orally present their work in a predetermined showcase location at the end of the semester.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Desiya Smith created a soft sided luggage/purse collection for her capstone project in FAS490 Senior Seminar. (Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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Stage Makeup

In this class the students will develop an understanding and skills necessary to design and execute 2 dimensional Stage Makeup within the educational and profession theatre worlds. Application techniques, makeup Morgue development and a student portfolio will be created.

Emily Webb, Kristen Henry and Molly Dallas demonstrate their stage makeup skills

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Emily Webb, Kristen Henry and Molly Dallas demonstrate their stage makeup skills.

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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Costume Construction

This course will explore the techniques of costume and period clothing construction. The class will cover history of garment pattern development, sewing techniques and the creation of historic clothing using modern patterning and sewing techniques. As a final project for this class, students will be expected to create a complete period costume from concept to wearable three dimensional garment. Also listed under FAS 220

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Justine Cooper works on a ball gown for her class project

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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FAS350 Advanced Clothing Construction

In this course, students will have the opportunity to further develop their knowledge of clothing construction in theory and sewing practice. They will also be introduced to advanced couture sewing techniques and the Ateliers of selected designers of Haute Couture/Couture fashion. Proficiency in sewing is essential for the successful completion of this course.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalogue

Project #1 Soft sided purse construction

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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FAS 283


This interim course will introduce the student to the basics of millinery design and construction. After studying a brief history of hat making, students will learn the basics of buckram hat frame construction and develop a skill set in millinery construction techniques and embellishments. Each student will design and construct a hat as the final project for the class. 

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Jennifer Raineri models a hat made in Hats off to Millinery interim class.

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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FAS250 Intermediate

Clothing Construction

In this course, students will have the opportunity to further develop their knowledge of clothing construction in theory and practice. They will be introduced to the engineering of garment layout, cutting and intermediate clothing construction techniques in commercial sewing and clothing industry construction.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Kiara Eisenhower and Marina Nye begin their class projects

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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Stage Costuming

In this course, the student will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and practice of costume design for the stage production. They will be introduced to the research, script analysis, design concepts and rendering of costumes for a play.  Opportunities to be involved in the designing, construction and backstage practices of the Domino Theatre Productions are the focus in this class.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Students working on flow charts and costume plots for a class project.

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)



Internship in Costumes

Students serve an internship in the fashion or theatre costume industry under the supervision of a faculty member and on-site personnel. Active participation and a significant level of responsibilities are expected in the internship setting. Reports and projects are required.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalogue

Staci Gibison participated in an internship at The Utah Shakespeare Festival in 2019. 

(Photo by Paula E Trimpey)

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Senor Seminar in Costume

This Senior Seminar Independent study fulfills a core requirement for the BA Degree in Costume Design. This class will run as a teacher facilitated independent study. The student is guided in the process of determining his or her own area of research and design implementation. The student is required to submit a project/research proposal which describes the intended end product, outlines their goals and objectives, methods of research, product development process and evaluation criteria. The student will display and orally present their work in a predetermined showcase location at the end of the semester.

Course description from the Albright College
Course Catalog

Amanda Castanon draping her Senior Seminar Costume project. (Photo by Paula E Trimpey)


Paula E Trimpey

Professor of

Fashion/Costume Design


Albright College 

1621 North 13th Street 

Reading, PA 19604



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